Physical Constants of Mononuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Physical Constants of Mononuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Physical Constants of Mononuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
G. Egloff
Universal Oil Products Company, Chicago, Illinois
rok vydání: 19??
stran: 74
formát: 24x16cm
jazyk: anglicky
vazba: sešit
kniha obsahuje značení z knihovny: razítka, vlepený štítek s čárovým kódem na prvním listu (3,7x7cm), malá nálepka přes hřbet s čísly
stav viz. foto

Social terrorism e-kniha

Social terrorism e-kniha

WHAT IS SOCIAL TERRORISM? Social terrorism represents threats and crimes being committed in the virtual world. Social terrorism occurs in all areas of our daily life and through it, conflict situations (arguments, anger, disagreements, misinformation, manipulation of public opinion, violence, aggressive behavior, intimidation, threats, blackmail, physical and verbal attacks, hostility, hatred, etc.) occur, which have a serious social impact on interpersonal, virtual and international relations

Introduction to internal medicine

Introduction to internal medicine

The book Introduction to Internal Medicine is a useful tool for the study of internal medicine both for medical students and doctors starting specialist training. The main content is internal propaedeutics, i.e. instructions on how to properly take a medical history and conducting physical examinations in particular fields of internal medicine. In addition, it provides information about the most common imaging and laboratory methods used in these fields. Special chapters are devoted to situations that an

  • Obchod: Triton
  • Cena: 719.00 Kč
Introduction to internal medicine

Introduction to internal medicine

The book Introduction to Internal Medicine is a useful tool for the study of internal medicine both for medical students and doctors starting specialist training. The main content is internal propaedeutics, i.e. instructions on how to properly take a medical history and conducting physical examinations in particular fields of internal medicine. In addition, it provides information about the most common imaging and laboratory methods used in these fields. Special chapters are devoted to situations that an

  • Obchod: Triton
  • Cena: 719.00 Kč
Internal propaedeutic workbook

Internal propaedeutic workbook

The sections and chapters present the framework of the multimedia teaching aid for internal propaedeutic. The chapters are oraganized in several relevant sections providing: practical instructions for processing of anamnestic data of the internal patient,list of symptoms of important common internal diseases,instruction how to evaluate basic physical examination findings grouped by body system and supplemented with selected picture or sound documentation. The intension of the teaching aid presented here

  • Obchod: Triton
  • Cena: 238.00 Kč
Internal propaedeutic workbook

Internal propaedeutic workbook

The sections and chapters present the framework of the multimedia teaching aid for internal propaedeutic. The chapters are oraganized in several relevant sections providing: practical instructions for processing of anamnestic data of the internal patient,list of symptoms of important common internal diseases,instruction how to evaluate basic physical examination findings grouped by body system and supplemented with selected picture or sound documentation. The intension of the teaching aid presented here

  • Obchod: Triton
  • Cena: 238.00 Kč
Led Zeppelin - kompletní příběh

Led Zeppelin - kompletní příběh

Všechna období tvorby. Plant a Page. Definitivní kolekce. Nejlepší rockoví textaři. Život po Led Zeppelin. Kapela, která navždy změnila rockovou hudbu. Autoři z legendárního magazínu Classic Rock přináší definitivní tečku za tvorbou Led Zeppelin, od samých počátků až po sólové projekty. Přes 140 stran na velkém formátu v lesklé obálce! Hlavní témata: Příběh vzniku alb Led Zeppelin I, II, III, IV, Houses of the Holy, Physical Graffiti. Jak se zrodilo "bezejmenné" album Led Zeppelin? Neuvěřitel

L´Italiano con Tobi la tigre

L´Italiano con Tobi la tigre

L´Italiano con Tobi la tigre G. Gerngross, H. Puchta, G. Rettaroli DVD k prvnímu dílu souboru Grandi Amici. Určeno dětem - začátečníkům. Il DVD contiene le animazioni di dieci storie da mimare secondo il metodo del Total Physical Response. L´insegnante puo, attraverso il video, introdurre ed esercitare espressioni e vocaboli in modo molto efficace: non si propongono infatti solo parole o frasi ma delle storie animate interpretate dalla simpatica tigre Tobi. L´esperienza dimostra che il valore del

Nova docendi Ratio - liber primus (Giampiero Ruggiero)

Nova docendi Ratio - liber primus (Giampiero Ruggiero)

Nova docendi Ratio - 1 Giampiero Ruggiero Novum iter ad linguam latinam discendam Úplně nová učebnice latiny postavená na metodě Total physical response, na přirozeném učení jazyků a slovních kolokacích. Obsahuje umělé i originální texty a je určena začátečníkům i mírně pokročilým. Učebnice vyžaduje komunikační přístup učitele a žáka.  Kniha je celolatinská s výjimečně užitými slovíčky z italštiny, opravdu ale jen zcela výjimečně zejména tam, kde nebylo možné věc nakreslit či vysvětlit latinsky.  Metoda z

The SS Totenkopf Ring (Craig Gottlieb)

The SS Totenkopf Ring (Craig Gottlieb)

Using modern tools not available to previous authors on this subject, Craig Gottlieb paints a comprehensive picture of the Totenkopf Ring and the man who was behind it - Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler. Gottlieb draws on a body of over 200 examples to document currently believed notions about the ring. He offers never before seen photos and documents, and even develops many new well-reasoned theories about the Totenkopf (Death Head) ring. The book also covers the pre-history of the Totenkopf ring, placin
