

vazba tvrdá, lamino, jako nové
192 stran
Podtitul: historie divize s umrlčí lebkou ve znaku 1939-45 Kniha obsahuje podrobnou studii historie vzniku, organizace, bojové činnosti, významných postav a výzbroje divize SS-Totenkopf,...

The SS Totenkopf Ring (Craig Gottlieb)

The SS Totenkopf Ring (Craig Gottlieb)

Using modern tools not available to previous authors on this subject, Craig Gottlieb paints a comprehensive picture of the Totenkopf Ring and the man who was behind it - Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler. Gottlieb draws on a body of over 200 examples to document currently believed notions about the ring. He offers never before seen photos and documents, and even develops many new well-reasoned theories about the Totenkopf (Death Head) ring. The book also covers the pre-history of the Totenkopf ring, placin
